teenagers dreams
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Monday, April 8, 2013 | 1:50 AM | 0 lovee

assalamualaikum && hyep syuma sygs2 ^^

okeyy . entry pada masa nie mao, melangsai kn hutang d entry sebelum nie :) eceng . hahaha

okey . seperti yg d janjikn d entry sebelum nie . soooo, lets gooo ! [apa yg aku merepek nie :D] skip that !

oke . nie cer2 aku ketika bercuty menulis entry sebelum nie :DD

1. menguruskan bisnes :)
walawe . bisnes i mcm tuw jek laaaa . takde nak citer sgt laa pasal bisnes nie .

2. future husband ?
hhe, i got new "boyfriend" but, he not just be a boyfriend . he'll be my future husband :) wow, mahel nye ayat i :D . hhe . btw, aku kenal dye nie tyme ak dah pindah kat new home :) . tak nak citer pjg , i start ngan dye pon baru jee :) 1st of march arie tuw . hhe , tyme tuw kiterang stay2 kat luar umah aku smpai awal pagi derrr . :D hha . kepuasan d situuuuu . weekkk . memang tak d sangka2 la dapat stay samapi pagi . dgan seorang lelaki :D hhe , btw mimank best lerrrhhh . hhe . memang best kenal ngan dya nei . next entry laa i cer pasal dye nei erk . i promise sygs ^^

3. result spm ?
i punye result spm cenggitu jek . takde A && 1gagal . tapi, overall lulus laa :) hhek .

key . tuw jek laaaa yg i nak cer . hhek . nak tao sgt  kn . weeekkkkkk . bowsan . ntah ape2 jek yg aku taip nie . haiyeeee . kbye ! i tgah onkol ngan future husbnad nei . muwaaaahhhh . i luv ue sygs :D .

kbye !

Past | New Story
Disclaimer wif Future Husband

HAI , i from my heart . My name is popoy , My age 18 years old, i have 1 hamster . my birth date 22/05/1995 . i just want to say behave with me because i have 2pair screw driver as my hand . bhahahahah
I like so much things dat was clour pink :D !
I'm a pinky gurl && not a piggy gurl !

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