teenagers dreams
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Monday, April 16, 2012 | 2:01 AM | 0 lovee
gadis purple bercerita

asaalamualaikun hyep everybody :132: .
long tyme no seee yaa . aiseh . lama sda popoy tiak update blogie right . yaa . right . :face35: . sory . tiak da massa lorh . sebok date samma buku sak . besa arh budak spm . ahha . rajin2 laa kunun . hhe . ouyaa . mao tnya . pa kabar suma kawan nee ? hhe . i hope suma ceat2 atja .

okee . trus kn dgan crita kitaa . urm . tajuk kita masa enhe "STUDENT BARU KONON" ahha . ue know wat . tati , kat sch , tyme sblum mulanya P&P . adew arh beberapa student yg tdk d kenali masuk kedalam kelas popoy dgn diiringi ole student asrama yg mimank student kelas popoy . hho . engat kn new student . rupanya, student dari SMK BUKIT GARAM 2 . ehhe . dorang ada program . ntah program paa . popoy daa lupa . ehhe . btw, ada ramai yg dtg . tapi, yg masuk kat kelas popoy anya 6 org . kononnya laa . hhe , yg ada tati 5 org kononnya 1 org tetinggal , so maybe esok baru sorang tuw ade . hhe .

yg popoy tekejut kn, tyme dorg perkenalkn diri, drg d suru ctao juak keputusan PMR . wow , mereka ebat2 belaka . wow , dah dapat tao keputusan dorg ebat2 6A keatas . popoy tiba2 tunduk . ahha . malu laa baaa . popoy ndada dapat A oooo . hhe . sowt .

ouya, nama durg sng d engat . :face64: yg llki c syafik, alif, n chemang . hhe . yg gurl c yau samma zirah .

yg popoy plik . tyme2 kami bising n bemain , waa .. dorg bleh diam n stdy . wow . ebat ,.
popoy n kawan2 popoy pun rasa plik arh, rasa takut pun ada, takut2 drg stress dgan keadaan kalas popoy . hha . pa taknya . kalas popoy bleh d kategorikan kalas palink bising . hha .
so, popoy pon tnya arh ngan alif . hhe . alif cakap , dorang oke je n dye cakap, dorang kat sana lagi teruk . wow . ebat ! . mcm tak caye arhh .

btw, hope mereka enjoy stdy kat kalas popoy . hhe .

~much of luv~

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Disclaimer wif Future Husband

HAI , i from my heart . My name is popoy , My age 18 years old, i have 1 hamster . my birth date 22/05/1995 . i just want to say behave with me because i have 2pair screw driver as my hand . bhahahahah
I like so much things dat was clour pink :D !
I'm a pinky gurl && not a piggy gurl !

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